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Heart Illustration

Heart Programming During Development: LHS ≠ RHS

Wnt is important for various processes during heart development - for instance second heart field (SHF) progenitor proliferation and differentiation (bear with me and hold on to this term for a while), atrioventricular junction development, ion channel gene expression, etc.
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Why social distancing is important? Why masks are important?

Whole world is suffering from the COVID19 and till now we don't have any vaccine or medicine for treatment of the patients suffering from COVID19 disease. Rich Davis performed two different demos in which he tried to prove the importance of wearing masks as well as the importance of social distancing to tackle the COVID Pandemic.
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Do you know how brain recognizes odors?

Smelling is something that we even do without noticing it carefully that we are actually smelling the things around us. With every single sniff you try to get the idea about what kind of smell is surrounding you without even noticing that your senses are working accordingly.
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Does COVID-19 stress leads to infertility?

A recent study shows that such a huge fear and anxiety coming along with the coronavirus can not only affect a person’s mental situation but could also have a huge impact on man’s sperm composition that could be problematic for future generations.
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Save Your Research Time- Part-1

We spend hours in formatting documents in word and few weird things happen with no control over it. We can save hundreds of minutes of our research life if we follow these simple tricks related to document formatting and master the word processor.
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The mystery of different colours of plants

We have generally seen that flowers are mostly liked by people. We admire their beauty, the fragrance and especially the perfect blend of colours that make them so much mesmerizing that it can attract the pollinators. This article tries to reveal the mystery of different plant colours.
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The Biology of coRoNAvirus

The term “coronavirus” is all around us. Corona means “crown” in Latin. If you observe coronaviruses under a specialized microscope, you will see circular structures surrounded by spikes that resemble a crown, that’s how coronaviruses get their name.