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Neural Implants

One of the main motive of implantable brain-computer interface (BCI) is to help people with quadriplegia control their mobile or computer devices just by their thoughts. This thing is like merging humans with AI, which will lead to providing people with superhuman intelligence.

The Miracle of Nanomedicine

Cancer drugs aren't picky when it comes to who they target. Not only do they destroy cancerous cells, but non-cancerous cells too. Imagine the harm it causes to a cancer patient by affecting healthy body tissues with rapidly developing and dividing cells.

What is Meta Analysis?

A meta-analysis is a statistical approach that summarize data from different studies. Meta-analysis can be used to identify this common impact when the treatment effects (or effect sizes) are constant across studies.
Behavioural Abnormalities after Taxoplasma Infection

The Inheritance You Did Not Ask For

The researcher provides evidence that paternal pathogenic infection has transgenerational impacts on offspring phenotypes. They discover that Toxoplasma gondii infection induces epigenetic changes, involving small RNAs, in mouse sperm, and demonstrate a mechanism involving these non-coding RNAs.