Greek Alphabets
Greek alphabets used in science to number distinctly.
We come across greek alphabets in our text books but sometimes we get confused and recognize them improperly. So to encompass the knowledge of the greek letters, here is the list. (Source: WikiPedia)
List of Greek Alphabets
Letter | Name |
Α α | alpha, άλφα |
Β β | beta, βήτα |
Γ γ | gamma, γάμμα |
Δ δ | delta, δέλτα |
Ε ε | epsilon, έψιλον |
Ζ ζ | zeta, ζήτα |
Η η | eta, ήτα |
Θ θ | theta, θήτα |
Ι ι | iota, ιώτα |
Κ κ | kappa, κάππα |
Λ λ | lambda, λάμδα |
Μ μ | mu, μυ |
Ν ν | nu, νυ |
Ξ ξ | xi, ξι |
Ο ο | omicron, όμικρον |
Π π | pi, πι |
Ρ ρ | rho, ρώ |
Σ σ/ς | sigma, σίγμα |
Τ τ | tau, ταυ |
Υ υ | upsilon, ύψιλον |
Φ φ | phi, φι |
Χ χ | chi, χι |
Ψ ψ | psi, ψι |
Ω ω | omega, ωμέγα |
- Protein secondary conformations are identified using greek alphabets like α-helix and β-sheets
- Different carbons in amino-acids, nucleotides or other chemical molecules are number using greek alphabets