Course Registration - Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Module PMRF-ISSS001/2022
About the Course
This module will cover various aspects of modelling with focus on biological systems. Starting with the motivation for and the process of building a model, we will discuss how to analyze them. We will look at tools developed to gain insights into a system where analytical solutions are difficult or impossible. The discussions will rely on examples taken from various organizational levels of biology ranging from species interactions to sub cellular interactions. The module will consist of lectures accompanied with problem solving and doubt clearing sessions.
- Brief history of neuroscience
- Cellular organization of nervous system
- Structure of Neuron
- Neuronal classification
- Non-neuronal cells
- Neuronal membrane at rest
- Ionic basis of resting membrane potential
- Action Potential
- Neurotransmitter
- Synthesis, storage & release
- Neurotransmitter receptors & effectors
- Principles of synaptic transmission & integration
- Molecular mechanism of Learning and Memory
Required background of students
- Undergraduates & Postgraduates in Biological Science
- Anybody curious to learn the basic biology of the brain
- Start Date: 17th February 2022
- End Date: May 2022
- Lecture Timings: Thursday 6:00 – 7:00 pm (IST)
- Discussion Classes: First Wednesday of the month from 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Resource Persons
Name of the PMRF Student
Vanika Dhingra
Online Session Coordinator
Will be chosen from the registrants
Platform of the Course
Meeting link will be updated later here or will be shared through email.
Registration Form
Or open in google forms.
Got Queries?
For any query or details send email on isss.forum@gmail.com or visit http://isssonline.in/pmrf-student-lecture-series/.