Notification regarding courses and online classes.

Course Registration - Cell Mechanics
Ms. Anwesha Barua, IISc, PMRF PhD Candidate is going to take classes on Cell Mechanics from 5th April 2022 to 28th June 2022. The module consists of lectures and problem-solving sessions.
Course Registration - Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Ms. Vanika Dhingra, IISc, PMRF PhD Candidate is going to take classes on Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience from 17th February 2022 to May 2022 along with discussion sessions.
Course Registration - Theoretical Biology
Mr. Harsh Chhajer, PMRF PhD Candidate is going to take classes on Theoretical Biology.
Course Registration - ISSS: Introduction to the Biological Cell
Ms. Mitali Shah, PMRF PhD Candidate is going to explore the biological cell in-depth, to understand about the various processes that bring about order and organisation in the cell. The course will run on every Monday from