[June 2024] Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination – Important Updates

Notification updates, important information, and resources for Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination for JRF, Assistant Professor, and Admission to PhD scheduled in June 2025.
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DST-INSPIRE Fellowship Program

Innovation in Scientific Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE), a Scheme of the Government of India, offers a standing opportunity for pursuing Doctoral Research at any recognized University or Institute in India through Fellowships at the same level as National Eligibility Test (NET) qualified candidates.

PMRF May 2020 - Notification for Prime Minister's Research Fellowship

PMRF May 2020 – Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship Scheme. PMRF is a scheme that is released bi-annually. Official information on this has been finally released. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below:

National Centre for Cell Sciences (NCCS)- PhD Admission 2020 Notification

NCCS, Pune invites application from eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D. program for the session commencing in August 2020. The applications can be submitted in a prescribed format available on the official website along with the relevant documents on or before May 15, 2020.

ICMR JRF 2020 Exam Notification

ICMR-JRF entrance exam is conducted by Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER) and ICMR together in 12 centers in India. ICMR JRF 2020 entrance exam date is July 12, 2020. The exam is to be held in online mode.

JNCASR Mid-Year Admission 2019-20 – Postgraduate & Research Programme

JNCASR invites applications for admission to M.S. (Engg. / Research) / PhD Programmes in Sciences and Engineering for the session starting from January 2020.

University Glasgow UK LKAS PhD SCHOLARSHIPS 2020 for International Students

University Glasgow UK LKAS PhD SCHOLARSHIPS 2020 for International Students invites applications. Please seethe details below

Biozentrum Switzerland PhD Fellowships Program 2020 for International Students

For details of Biozentrum Switzerland PhD Fellowships Program 2020 for International Students see the image.

CSIR-IMTECH PhD Admissions 2020

PhD Program Admission 2020 notification at CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh. CSIR-IMTECH, Chandigarh has officially announced the notification for PhD Program Admission 2020.

AcSIR PhD Admission 2020 January Session

The official notification for the PhD Science Admissions 2019 at AcSIR. Check out all of the details on the admission process given below:

IISER Bhopal PhD Programme Admissions January 2020

Department of Biological Sciences IISER Bhopal PhD Programme Admissions January 2020 has been announced. Interested candidates can check out all of the details on the eligibility, selection procedure, age limit, reservation and application procedure in detail.

CSIR-CFTRI PhD Admission (January 2020)

The notification for the CSIR – CFTRI PhD Admissions 2020 has been released. Details are given below